“A pearl is a temple built by pain around a grain of sand.
What longing built our bodies and around what grains?”
“There is more wisdom to be found within a sensation than in a book or library” – Godfrey Devereux
Soma means “living body”, the Greeks spoke of psyche and soma to differentiate the mind, which was treated by philosophy, and Soma, which was treated by medicine.
Body or somatic psychotherapy is a discipline that helps us break out of this paradigm that divides, separates and fragments the mind-body duality.
Yoga, Meditation, Tantric and conscious breathing practices, somatic experience, dance and many other techniques when done in a gentle and attentive way induce naturally a greater somatic intimacy inviting to a deep experience of the whole human potential.
According to Vedic philosophy, Soma is considered the nectar of immortality and is produced through deep meditation and yogic practices providing heightened physical rejuvenation, access to different states of consciousness and levels of immortality.
While living in this body forever may be attractive, absolute immortality or eternal life refers here to the soul – the part of us that transits between lives beyond the death of the physical body.
Soma refers to Lunar energy, otherwise known as cosmic plasma. It is the subtlest form of matter and supports the refined perception that allows one to appreciate the most gentle level of manifest creation, so that each sensation becomes a wave of pure ecstasy.
A temple usually refers to a place or structure hosting religious, spiritual practices, rites or sacrifices…
In the Tantric tradition, our body is a temple, but not just a place of prayer or meditation, it is the abode of the divine itself. Our physical form is a place of divine vibration.
An instrument for our nature to express itself. It is what allows the spirit to live, to laugh, to dance. It is the spirit alive as body.
Through the somatic practices of soul movement we discover, reclaim and reveal all the ways we are unique and diverse. May we free our bodies and expand our hearts to become our tender, compassionate, alive and engaged selves. May we rediscover the simple pleasure of inhaling and exhaling, of being held by the bounty of gravity and uplifted by natural buoyancy.
Soma Templo proposes then a more attentive look and a more delicate listening to the body, not beacuse it is more important than the mind, but knowing that culturally we have been quite neglectful of the importance, exploration and understanding of the greater Temple – our body. The suggestion is that a more harmonious relationship between the two enables a homeostatic balance with less interference, but a greater awareness of one’s internal and external perceptions, and thus a greater alignment with our soul, providing a fluid living.